Graveyard Leagues

How to Play

In Graveyard Leagues there are no drafts. Instead, you set your lineup each week from the entire player pool, but there’s a catch: you can only start each player one week all season. Once you start a player, they move to your graveyard, never to return.

Graveyard leagues follow an elimination-style format, meaning you don’t compete head-to-head weekly; instead, you compete against the entire league. Each week, the lowest-scoring teams are eliminated for the remainder of the season.

  • No Draft
  • Teams set their lineup from the entire player pool.
  • Teams can only start a player once per season.
  • The lowest scoring teams are eliminated each week.

Graveyard leagues are extremely flexible and dynamic. You can set a graveyard league to start any week and to end any week. The app will dynamically adjust the elimination schedule for any league size and any number of weeks.
Team Flexibility – You can have as few as 4 teams or as many as 2,000 teams.
Schedule Flexibility – You can set any start and end week. The elimination schedule will dynamically adjust.

On your league screen, you will see the full elimination schedule broken down by week and know exactly how many teams will be eliminated each week. On the live matchup screen, you will see a list of all teams along with the current elimination line. In smaller leagues, this may involve just one team per week, whereas in larger leagues, multiple teams will be eliminated each week.

Ranked fantasy football requires formats that are high strategy & skill ceiling. This makes Graveyard leagues a perfect fit for Ranked play. Check out our Ranked system here.


Players lock individually once their game starts. You can continue to modify roster slots that do not have locked players in them.

Other teams will only be able to see players in your lineup who have locked (their game has started).

Yes! Each team can use the full player pool.

Tie Breakers:

  1. Season Total Points
  2. Team with the Highest Scoring Player that Week

If a tie occurs at the elimination line and the two tiebreakers are also exactly tied (very unlikely), then these tied teams will be eliminated. The elimination schedule will automatically adjust.

You can play this format with as few as 4 teams. However, a 4 team league will only last 3 weeks. The max number of weeks is always one less than the number of teams you have. The good news is that you can start a graveyard league any week and play multiple times throughout the season.